
A FirstWatch “trigger” is a representation of data based on a set of user-defined data filter criteria using one or more FirstWatch analytical methods. Triggers draw data from one or more data sources, like CAD, ProQA, RMS and ePCR. Typically, data is consumed as events; each event is uniquely identified and has a date time stamp. Each event can be also be supplemented with additional information, such as location and comments.

How it Works
An authorized FirstWatch user can view and run ad-hoc data analyses by logging on to the secure FirstWatch Subscriber website. Some triggers can be configured to send alerts, such as e-mails, when a set of alerting criteria are met.

Types of Analysis
Trigger criteria are based on event information gathered and supported by the data. The following describes some FirstWatch trigger analytical methods, which can be standard or custom based triggers.

Examples of user-defined Performance/Operational Monitoring, Situational Awareness and Early Warning FirstWatch Triggers

Trigger Examples
EMS and Fire
Homeland Security
Law Enforcement
Public Health

Enhancement Modules
FirstWatch is constantly evolving in terms of how our clients use it to monitor and display data.  In response to client’s requests, FirstWatch developed a variety of tools which allow more sophisticated integration of data, views and analysis. While these tools originated as custom-built solutions, they are now available to all customers as Enhancement Modules.

Examples of Enhancement Modules:

Real-Time Demand Analysis Tool
Patient Transfer of Care Tool
Online Compliance Utility (OCU) Tool and Reports
Custom Threat Assessment and Incident Write-Back Tool
EMS Transport and Hospital Status Dashboard
Performance Plus Drill Down Tool

Additional Enhancement Modules are available and more are being continually developed.

911, EMS, and Fire

Dispatch and Call Taker Performance
Real-time Performance and Operations Dashboard
Transport Status Dashboard
Real-Time Trend Dashboard
Situational Awareness Sentinel
ePCR Compliance Trigger
STEMI Alert and Incident Drill-down
Free Text Analysis
Real-Time Response Time Monitor
Response Time Compliance by Zone
Out of Chute and Station Compliance
Time on Task Compliance
Interfacility Contract Compliance
Regional All Fires
Arson and Suspicious Fire Activity
High-Profile Location/High Threat Facility
Demand Analysis
EMS, Fire and All Trigger Examples

Homeland Security

Emergency Preparedness Trigger
Regional Situational Awareness
Mass Causality Incident Trigger
Regional Influenza Network
High-Profile Location Guardian
All Public Safety Trigger Examples

911 and Law Enforcement

Dispatch and Call Taker Performance
Real-Time Crime Trend Dashboards
Performance and Operational Dashboards
Burglary Geo-Clusters
High Threat/High-Profile Location
Law Enforcement – FREE TEXT – Hot Alert
Gang Related Sentinel Trigger
Geo-Fence Sentinel
Response Time Performance by Beat / Sector
Auto Theft Trigger
Stolen Vehicle Recovery Trigger
Briefing Reports, by Sector
UCR / Crime Category Mapping
Responder Safety Address Alerts
Jr. Arsonist Trigger
Police Call Response Time Trigger
All Law Enforcement Trigger Examples

Public Health

Pandemic Driven International Deployments
Regional Influenza Network Real-Time Reportable Disease Sentinel
Mass Casualty Incident
Regional Triggers (Hospital, Poison Control)

All Trigger Examples